Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Sure Dear! I'll Put a Fresh Pot of Coffee On!!

               As we all know by now, I enjoy a good banter....I may even comment on one or 30 from time to time....But I must say....this one had high hopes of ALMOST shedding the light on what could have been....Well, an educational experience!! For the sake of "fun" I have removed the cretin's name and replaced it with...."Frannie".....I am KMc

Here is the conversation as posted on our beloved Facebook!


  • R.i.p Rodney King and why ppl saying he drank his self do death really u dont know what caused his death just saying boy I tell you some ppl! Smh
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*******“Fran’s Friend of Equal Intellect” likes this.
 KMc: Do the research....he was an alcoholic! SMH
“Frannie”: Bye girl I dont have to do research on anyone hell do some on urself since u got alot to say! Smmfh! Bye girl
KMc: http://laist.com/2009/04/29/meet_rodney_king.php Educate yourself “Poopoo”
Rodney King: 17 Years After The Riots : LAist
Dr. Drew, Rodney King, Steven Adler and Jeff Conaway (L-R) | VH1's "Celebrity Re...”
KMc: Delete me because you got mad...uhhh..ok....That’s a perfect reason!
KMc: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rodney_King
Rodney King - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Rodney Glen King (born April 2, 1965) is best known as a victim in a police brut...
KMc: A direct quote from Rodney King.....""The trouble that (people) see me in is a part of my life that I'm working on," he said in 2011. "I'll always have an issue when it comes to alcohol. My dad was an alcoholic. The addiction part is in my blood. What I've learned to do is arrest my addiction -- arrest it myself, so I don't get arrested."
KMc: Need more?? Or are ya gonna be childish and delete me...lol
“Frannie”: Im not mad girl yes he did have a drinking problem but do u have to say congrats! And yes u will be deleted and it wont be because im mad! Wat do I have to be mad about grow up girl! He had a drinking problem just like u had a weight problem now u have done made me come out my character I juat be damn! When u lost that weight ppl didnt say u lost it by smoking crack did they no they said congrats and kept it moving! But u r deleted because I dont have time for negitive ppl and for saying congrats on someone passing u need to grow the fuck up! And stay the fuck off my status!
“Fran’s Friend of Equal Intellect” I hear you girl ,word on that Frances..
“Frannie” Ikr she stupid and dumb and childish u know how some ppl r they get a makeover and think their shit dont stink! Remember somebody has at least one in their family!
“Frannie” Hey chris how you been doing?
‎;-) They didn't say I lost weight by smoking crack....because I never had a past that involved drugs! If I am so stupid and dumb then why do I have 3 college degrees and working on a 4th??!!?? Two semesters away from a Criminal Justice degree....but I am stupid or am I just uneducated?? As far as your status....at least have enough wits about you to say it on MY page.....since you wanna be a sidewinder (that’s a type of snake) about it....I thought I would offer up a lesson (some links) or two so that you might better inform your audience!! If you're gonna call someone out…especially me, have enough backbone to at least be adult enough to talk to me!! Now, run and tell that!! Lemme know if you need to talk directly to me again.....or you can continue to talk about me out of the side of your mouth!! Tell D(your husband and long-time friend) I said Hey Little Brother! ♥. Ya'll!

“Frannie” D said you is crazy as fuck u fat ass! Lol Now run and eats that! We dont love you with ur big ass eat shit and chike on it!!!
“Frannie” Oh bitch I can talk to u face to face tell me when and where fat ass even though u lost weight ur still a fat ass lol
KMc Hahahahahahaha... I have lived at the same address since 1998...I ain't hard to find.....;)!!
 “Frannie” Bye big bitch u ugly fuck. Eat ur shit and chike on it u fat fuck!!
Damnit...I AM a size 3!! They MUST be broken!!
KMc lol you are now a part of my blog!!!! Thanks to for material......!!  And thanks for helping me figure out why I could never fit into those size 3's I have been trying to put on.....Your obviously skilled in the area of "Telling me 'what-for"......But, I am saddened by your reducing yourself to calling me fat....You would think after 37 years this way that I would have been able to figure that out all on my own.....Thanks for that too!
 “Frannie”  DIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
KMc Thought you were coming over.....I have coffee on!! And Marshmallows!!
“Frannie”  DIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
KMc You are way too angry and serious...lol! Does this mean “No” to having coffee? =)
“Frannie” DIE!!!
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